Free Keynote Offer

As part of Hootville's 25th birthday celebration Brett is giving himself away in the form of a FREE KEYNOTE PRESENTATION.

Is it low self-esteem? A desperate need for attention. ( Who cares?)

Brett has six or so keynotes in his quiver but the one he’s offering free is: How To Cult: Inspiring Irrational Devotion which this very website describes thus:

Why do some brands, causes and people inspire obsessive devotion while their competitors fail to set pulses racing? Cult brands enjoy higher profits, influence, queues around the block and constant media attention.

Brett looks at the key characteristics of cult brands and shows you how to create your own. (Use this for good, not evil.)

This rollicking keynote is filled with real world examples and stories from brands you know and many you don’t. Brett's scope is global, drawing from retail, hospitality, apparel, politics, nations, the arts and some very special individuals.

This is designed for leaders, marketers, salesfolk, fundraisers, business development professionals - people who are concerned with their brands and the impact they make. As always it is fun, energetic and challenging.

So here’s the deal:

I seek a good size audience of the right people in a suitable venue (not a lightless boardroom) for me to video the proceedings. (This will be organized by me.)

I’ll happily consider travelling, at your expense, for the right event.

Oh – I need a willingness by you and your people to provide some on-camera and written testimonials.

Interested? Get in touch: 0414 713 802.


Things get legal


Fire Australia 24, Fire Australia 25...